
The religion courses at Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School reflect the curriculum guide approved by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in November 2007. Required as a part of the course of studies for each of the four years, the curriculum leads the students to an encounter with Jesus Christ and His teaching in order that they might come to know Him and to be transformed by Him. Students must take one Religion course for each semester they are enrolled at Saint John Paul the Great.

Religion Department Mission Statement:
"It is Jesus who stirs in you the desire to do something great with your lives, the will to follow an ideal, the refusal to allow yourselves to be ground down by mediocrity, the courage to commit yourselves humbly and patiently to improving yourselves and society, making the world more human and more fraternal." – Pope Saint John Paul II

Since religion is a gift from the Divine Persons through human persons to others, the mission of the Religion Department is concerned with the formation of the teachers as well as the students.  This formation calls for a sincere union of men with God in Christ and a longing to realize their destiny to live forever in Heaven.

The Religion Department desires to form religion teachers who live the Faith, witnessing in their lives to the union of men with God in Christ, persons who give of themselves, with the Truth adhering, who pray and contemplate, persons of intellectual competence, giving to their students the fruits of their contemplation.

The Religion Department desires to form the students to understand and be able to explain that Catholicism is the union of men with God in Christ; to know their sacred identity as immortal children of God; to long to realize their destiny to live forever in Heaven; to take a vivid interest in God, in Christ Our Lord, in Our Lady, in all the major facets of reality; to take a more active role in the Church's worship, missionary call, and service to others.


Graduation Requirements for Religion:
4 credits are required, or .5 credit for every semester enrolled at Saint John Paul the Great


Required Courses:

  • Sacred Scripture 
  • Christology
  • The Mission of Jesus
  • The Church
  • The Sacraments
  • Morality

Senior Required Courses: (Seniors must choose two)

  • History of the Catholic Church
  • Christian Vocations
  • Catholic Social Teaching
  • Applied Leadership in the Dominican Tradition