
The English curriculum is designed to provide tools for students to become independent and effective readers and writers. From grammar, spelling, and vocabulary, to composition, literary criticism, and research techniques, students are led through a course of studies that will prove its success in the excellence of their advanced academic work.


English Department Mission Statement: 
“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Phil 4:8)

We will deliberately build up whatever is true, whatever is lovely, whatever is honorable to form students’ moral imagination, teaching them through the rich grist of classic literature to like what is good and dislike what is evil and to express their unique story, that of an immortal being on an heroic journey to heaven.  Affirming the truth of human culture as an expression of God’s communion, the English department teaches the skills needed for communication and communion—a common sense of right and wrong, good and evil, truth and falsehood, so that students can analyze what they read and write in the light of the true, good and beautiful, and so that they can creatively contribute to building up the culture.

Graduation Requirements for English:
4 credits are required


Required Courses:

  • English I or English I Honors
  • English II or English II Honors
  • English Language and Composition Advanced or Honors, AP, or DE  
  • English Literature and Composition Advanced or Honors, AP, or DE World Literature

Elective Courses:

  • Creative Writing I
  • Creative Writing II
  • Speech and Debate
  • Capstone Seminar: The Heroic Life
  • DE Introduction to Communications