Profile of a JP Graduate
As a school community, we strive to grow in wisdom and holiness by leading lives rooted in Christ and in accord with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Our graduates will understand and defend the dignity of every human person. Through the completion of a rigorous college preparatory program rooted in the faith and a profound understanding of bioethics, they will be prepared to follow Christ and to proclaim him to others, thereby being agents of change, building up a culture of life.
A graduate of Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School will be a...
Faithful Disciple:
- Rooted in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
- Knowing how to apply moral principles based on a well-formed conscience
- Valuing and defending the dignity of all human life
- Showing empathy and respect to all
- Committed to making a positive difference in the world through service
Seeker of Truth:
- Academically prepared and proficient in all core subjects
- Communicating and expressing ideas with clarity, possessing a deep understanding and ability to apply knowledge in a thoughtful manner
- Desiring to seek truth and wisdom throughout life
Ethically Responsible Citizen:
- Demonstrating productive workplace skills, qualities, and behaviors;
- Building connections and value interactions with others as a responsible, responsive, and faith-filled citizen;
- Aligning knowledge, skills, personal interests, and faith with career and college opportunities;
- Demonstrating the effective and ethical use of technology
- Developing and applying intellectual, artistic, and athletic gifts and using them for the good of his/her faith and community
Person of Integrity:
- Thinking creatively and critically to make well-formed decisions
- Setting and achieving realistic goals, balancing commitments, and accepting challenges with confidence
- Self-motivated, confident, and reliable
To this end, Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School provides an environment which:
- Affirms every student’s profound dignity, thus enabling them to grow in the knowledge of their worth as creatures made in God's image and invited to share divine life with Him.
- Promotes a vibrant sacramental life so that students can grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and are motivated to take an ever more active role in the Church.
- Supports parents in their vocation as primary educators.