Miss Abigail Fallon » Miss Abigail Fallon

Miss Abigail Fallon

Personal Statement: Since the beginning of time, human beings have asked, “what is the meaning of life?” At Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School, we make a continual effort to answer this question with a Christocentric focus. In Melville’s Moby Dick, Ishmael says that “It is the image of the ungraspable phantom of life” that mankind journeys towards; above all else, human beings–and in particular, our students–seek the “ungraspable” Good, True, and Beautiful. I am honored and forever blessed to continue every person’s search towards meaning at Saint John Paul the Great where we communally strive for greatness in our study, prayer, and service. Our school’s mission can only be true if Christ is our very purpose and meaning. St. Joan of Arc, give us the courage of a soldier to seek Truth! St. John Paul the Great, guide us in our “ungraspable” studies! 
  • B.A. in English from Belmont Abbey College