House System » House of Diego

House of Diego

House Patron: St. Juan Diego     DIEGO
House Color: Burgundy
Feast Day: December 9
Motto:  Nolite Timere (Be not afraid)
Symbol: The Eagle
Juan Diego and his Aztec heritage are represented in the symbol of the eagle. His name translates to “eagle that speaks.”
House of Diego's maroon color signifies the miraculous Castilian roses that Mary gave to Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill in 1531. As we know, that was only the beginning of the miracle of Guadalupe! The crest shows the revelation of Mary's miraculous image on the tilma of Juan Diego. Her words to him, "You have nothing to fear," are recorded in the Latin motto. Mary appeared to Juan Diego dressed as an Aztec princess, revering his heritage while also calling the entire culture to the Christian faith.
The eagle, an important symbol to the Aztec culture, represents bravery, daring, and fearlessness. It is also associated with Juan Diego's native name, which translates to "eagle that speaks." Juan Diego's sun-like halo echoes Mary's figure on the tilma: she eclipses the sun, to which the Aztecs gave god-like worship.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is a special patroness of the Americas, with particular patronage over the unborn. We who have received the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe are reminded of our role in transforming the culture by communicating the correct order of created things.
Saint Juan Diego, pray for us!

A statue of Saint Juan Diego is located in the rotunda near the auditorium.